The Corporate Conversable Conversationalist

Welcome to Tony’s workstation in San Antonio, Texas, USA!

Does this type of setup look recognizable or unusual, ordinary or unfamiliar? While everyone has a “workstation,” not everyone works in a cubicle. What does your workstation look like?

Take a peek at Tony’s responses to the three questions to find out a little bit more about him and what’s going on in his space.


What type of work do you do at your workstation?

“(Frost Speak first) At my desk I am constantly on the phone or emailing clients. Connecting internally with different groups, analysts to provide the services needed for my clients. (Real Speak) I am a pure sales guy, contacting people and following up with them to guide then to a sale…A sale makes me money!”

What do you like the most and dislike the most about your workstation?

“Working in the cube is ok, as long as I keep my head down and not get caught up in the gossip. I can treat my cube as my own personal office, I don’t have to pay rent, nor utilities and the phone and cable services are free.”

How does your workstation reflect who you are?

“Looking around my cube, you can see the business side, all the notes or items we need to see daily or were told to put in our cube. More importantly, I have a lot of personal stuff…mainly my family.”

What do I see when I look at this picture and read the responses?

There are clearly two sides (probably more) to Tony: the company man and the family man. While a lot of people can boast this duel partnership between work and home, Tony embraces it wholeheartedly and with no apology. As a sales guy, Tony knows when to hold ’em and…well, you know the rest. He knows the corporate lingo, and he’s not afraid to use it! Tony’s electronic setup looks like he can work the work and then grab his laptop and phone and go! No grass growing here. Like many workers who spend so many hours in the cube and away from family, Tony makes sure he can still connect. The family photo collage is an interesting one in that it doesn’t just have the standard “family photo.” What does having a black & white (older) photo alongside modern ones say about Tony? I don’t know. My observational guess is that like Tony himself, it shows that Life has many sides and many views and many facets and many corners and you get the picture. It also probably shows that Tony is more than capable of seeing the big picture that’s made up of a whole lot of smaller ones. This photo collection says to me that Tony wants it all and not just in a family photo! Tony wants his space to have it all: work, family, Mardi Gras beads, a large bottle of hand sanitizer, and all the good ideas that are waiting in wings—I’m sure you noticed that curly light bulb to Tony’s left.

What is positive about this space, in my opinion?

Even though this is a standard cubicle with low walls, Tony looks like he has plenty of room. Maybe Tony has secret ninja organizational skills, or maybe he knows how to haggle  (he is a sales guy, you know). He does seem to have plenty of desk space. Tony can also look up whenever he wants and check the weather. This may not be that corner office, but he’s got a “window.” And anything with art is a positive thing in my book. What’s with that hand-drawn picture on the wall? It’s interesting in an art-within-art kind of way. One thing is clearly positive about this space, and that is Tony’s attitude. He views his little corner of the corporate world as valuable real estate that allows him to work, connect, make some money, associate, and light it all up with an energy-saving light bulb and a half-full mindset…all on the easy payment plan of “free of charge” (sort of).

Are you interested in participating in this informal anthropological project? I hope you are! Send me a picture of your workstation (preferably with you in it, but you don’t necessarily have to look into the camera), along with your answers to these questions:

  • What type of work do you do at your workstation?
  • What do you like the most and dislike the most about your workstation?
  • How does your workstation reflect who you are?

Is it okay to include your first name and your city, state, and country, or would you prefer to remain anonymous? By choosing to share your workstation (your desk) with me, you agree to have your picture(s) and words publicized without expectation of any remuneration other than the sheer joy of sharing a snippet of your life with others. I will also provide a bit of observational commentary.

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