Lone Star Pop-up Blog Hop: The Duchess of Kokora by Nikhil Prabala (review & giveaway)


by Nikhil Prabala

LGBTQ+ / YA / Humorous Fantasy / Romantasy

Publisher: Grand Press

Pages: 442

Publication Date: August 8, 2024


The Duchess of Kokora, Phera Ylir Mdana, has entered the marriage games of the neighboring kingdom of Ryene. But she’s not there to woo the dashing Prince Dominic.

Her true objective? To win back one of the other contestants, Lady Rocelle Virae—Phera’s true love and ex-fiancée.

Love proves to be a game like any other when Phera must not only mend matters with her childhood sweetheart, but conceal her true intentions in order to earn votes and stay in the competition.

And as long-brewing political tensions simmer beneath the surface, the playful veneer of the competition begins to crack. In the end, Phera, Dominic, and Rocelle find themselves united in a desperate bid to prevent a duel that threatens the integrity of the kingdom, the stability of the continent, and any hope for a happily ever after.

This novel is the first in a planned series.


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From playing the DM in Dungeons and Dragons to writing fantasy novels, Nikhil Prabala loves storytelling, delighting in fantasy fiction from the epic to the cozy and everywhere in between. The Duchess of Kokora is his first published novel.

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, he graduated from Stanford in 2019 and is currently based in the Bay Area. In his free time he enjoys ballroom dancing, singing, playing the guitar, tabletop games, and spending time with friends and family. 





“Perhaps the problem is that the fate of so many should not rest on so few.”

The Duchess of Kokora by Nikhil Prabala is a unique fantasy that is so exciting and well written, that you will fly through the pages and marvel at the characterization, fabulous plot, and cliffhanger of an ending.

While the story is compelling and interesting all the way through, the characters drive this fantasy, with Phera Ylir Mdana, the Duchess of Kokora, grabbing everyone’s attention (readers’ and other characters’ alike) from the very first line. With such a fiery beginning, it is hard to fathom that the story could accelerate even more, but it does. Phera and Rocelle were lovers, but past events have fractured their relationship. Can Phera win her back, or is this union beyond repair? While this romance is a prominent plot point here, it is not the only one. Many women have gathered in Ryene to participate in a series of competitive games (the Rounds) to win the hand of crown prince Dominic and gain subsequent high standing. Will Phera, who’s goal is more complex than winning Dominic’s hand, make it to the finals, or will her high-spirited temperament, jealousy (Rocelle is competing too), and quest to protect others from deadly bullies be her downfall and subsequently harm the imperial province of Kokora? To add insult to injury, Phera is considered an unwanted outsider and is subject to prejudice and distrust. She definitely has her work cut out for her. Let the games begin!

“There are no sureties in love. We play our cards as best we can, and let fortune rule the rest.”

Nikhil Prabala brings all the characters to life, infusing them with such vivid personalities. This is fantasy, so magic is all over the place, but not everyone has the gift, and not everyone’s magical abilities are the same. The differences between the classes make up a major theme, and with all the romance, competition, magic, prejudice, backstabbing, and bullying aside, other points of interest include trust, honor, family, and true love.

While Phera, Rocelle, Dominic, and a few other good or nefarious others are sure to grab everyone’s attention, my favorite characters are Leran and Hespin. They just might catch your eye too and cause you to ponder if there is more to them than meets the eye (especially Hespin). Intriguing, to say the least. And let’s not forget about the unrest/tensions between nations and classes skittering across the chapters because life, even in fantasy, is most certainly not about romance alone.

The author balances all salient points with ease and blends them into a must-read story that will make you laugh a few times, shake your fist at the tyranny and hate, and root for several characters to prevail.

The Duchess of Kokora is tagged as LBGQT+, and fantasy is often notoriously rife with sex and innuendos in general; however, the physical aspect, especially between Phera and Rocelle, is low key and in very good taste, with an emphasis on emotions and not just the physical. No matter your views or sexual preference, love is love, and the author captures this aspect of romance with realistic aplomb.

Will there be more on the way? The ending suggests that another is not only necessary but demanded.

Enter the giveaway on or before October 10, 2024, for a chance to win some fabulous prizes.

I received a free copy of this book from Lone Star Book Blog Tours in exchange for my honest review.




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