Focus on the Writing!

Who else is participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)?

I am! I’ve taken a break these past few years. You know how pesky life can get in the way sometimes. But I’m back in the game this year!

I’m currently writing a suspense novel, but I’m taking a few characters from that and creating a spin-off story. It’s a totally different novel, so I am still coloring inside the nano lines. The new story is suspense as well because even I don’t know what’s going to happen.

I decided this would be a great way to get to know some of my characters a bit better. They are willing, so here. we. go!

Are you excited with the story that will be bubbling out this month? Do you have a quirky habit or outfit or setting that helps you write? I write better at night, which is weird because I don’t consider myself a night owl. I’m thinking I will wear my purple cape when I write this month because I need a big dose of bravado.


Ruthie on NaNoWriMo

Focus on the writing!


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4 Replies to “Focus on the Writing!”

  1. I am a morning writer, but my extended sessions have been bleeding into other parts of the day. I’m doing 1,000 to 2,000 words a day through the week and 4,000 on weekend days. I made a pretty extensive outline and set writing goals for each piece of it. I did a lot of research ahead of time, so my sessions have been very productive and on schedule. I’m doing a lot of noting as I go, like “right word?” or “fact check” to keep me in the zone. My experience is finally paying off!

  2. I am a morning writer, but my extended sessions have been bleeding into other parts of the day. I’m doing 1,000 to 2,000 words a day through the week and 4,000 on weekend days. I made a pretty extensive outline and set writing goals for each piece of it. I did a lot of research ahead of time, so my sessions have been very productive and on schedule. I’m doing a lot of noting as I go, like “right word?” or “fact check” to keep me in the zone. My experience is finally paying off!